Ring Engineering RPT-1

RPT-1 Radio Repeater

Add this low cost radio repeater to your RailPro Layout to add extended Radio Range and improved radio coverage!  You can use multiple RPT-1 to extend the radio range of a RailPro Handheld Controller to hundreds of feet!

All Radios (including Bluetooth and WiFi) suffer from multipath distortion.  This is where a radio wave can bounce off an object and come back and combine with the original signal in a way that it degrades the signal.  This typically can cause small angles to have dead spots. By adding a RailPro Radio Repeater you can eliminate this radio problem completely.

USB A Connector
Direct Radio+NET Built In
Size: 1.87 x 0.78 x 0.34 inches

Stock Status:
Ships 1 to 3 Business Days

Price $49.99

Package Contents:
RPT-1 Radio Repeater Module

US Patents 8,807,487 and 10,780,362
Made In USA
Not recommended for persons under the age of 14

RPT-1 Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use any USB Power Bank with RPT?   

No.  The RPT-1 uses so little power that many power banks will turn off their outputs.  So you need a power bank that keeps the output on.  Below is a link to a power bank with a physical on / off switch that stays on until you turn it off and is sold by Amazon.com Inc.
IMPORTANT:  We do not recommend or endorse the product in the link above.  All that we are stating is that we bought one and the one we received worked with our  RPT-1.  We did notice that it worked pretty well with RPT plugged directly into the USB power bank.  However, the range was not as good as it could of been with RPT plugged directly into the USB power bank.  We added a 6 foot USB extension cable and the range improved to about as good as RPT-1 can get. This leads us to believe, that there is electrical noise on the output of this power bank that effected the range. Other products with cleaner electrical output can work even better.
TIP: We found that some of simpler USB power banks work just fine with RPT because the outputs were basically always on.  Some USB power banks have auto turn off feature and some do not.  You need to be sure before you buy one to use with RPT.
IMPORTANT: We found a power bank with a trickle mode.  This is on some USB power banks because some devices, like ours, use very little power and by putting the USB power bank in trickle charge mode the output stays on.  However, on the model we tested, the trickle charge mode turned off after only two hours.  We think this is not long enough for most model train operators so we would not recommend a power bank that will turn off after only two hours.

How can I tell if the RPT-1 is being powered by the USB power bank

From the Main Page on the handheld controller press the accessories button.  Then touch the picture of the RPT-1.  Check the Direct Radio Indicator graphic at the top right of the display.  If the Direct Radio Indicator is 'blue,' the handheld is sending and receiving radio signals to and from the RPT-1.  If the Direct Radio Indicator is 'red,' then the RPT is not being powered by the USB power bank.

Are there other ways to power the RPT-1?   

Yes!  Because it is powered by a standard USB A port, there are a lot of options available. There is 12 Volt to USB and many other options that should work with RPT-1.


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