TC-1 Turnout Controller Module

Lower cost than older AM-1!
The TC-1 is a module that you can install on your model train layout and control
4 turnouts (switch tracks). The TC-1 can be controlled and setup by a Ring
Engineering RailPro Controller, such as the HC-3 Handheld Controller.

Control up to 4 turnouts per Module
Control Snap or Motor Operated Turnouts!
Size: 4.60 x 3.00 x 1.18 inches
Stock Status:
Ships 1 to 3 Business Days
Price $69.99

You will need a RailPro controller such as a HC-3 (Handheld
Controller with Color Touch Screen - Not Included) to control, setup and monitor
a TC-1. Actual HC-3 screen shots are show below!
Page to Control Turnouts

Pages to Setup Turnouts

Package Contents:
TC-1 Turnout Control Module
User Manual
US Patent 8,807,487
Made In USA
Not recommended for persons under the age of 14
Frequently Asked Questions
How many turnouts can a single TC-1 operate?
Four turnouts can be
controlled from a single TC-1.
How many TC-1's can you use on one layout?
There is no practical limit
to the number of TC-1s you can add to operate most any amount of turnouts.
How many TC-1's can be powered from a single
RailPro power supply?
The PWR-56 can power many
TC-1s for snap type stitches and several dozen TC-1s for Motor Operated
Can the TC-1 operate motor operated switches?
Yes. We recommend using
slow motion motor operated switches instead of snap type switches. The
motor operated switches can use 10 times less power than a snap switch.
Can the TC-1 operate snap type switches?
Yes. It can operate
both 2-Wire and 3-Wire snap switches.
Can the TC-1 operate G gauge switches?
Yes. We have operated
several popular brand G scale switches with TC-1.
What power supply can be used with TC-1?
Can you use one TC-1 to control snap switches
and have another TC-1 to control Motor Operated switches on the same layout?
Yes. You can set each
TC-1 to operate motor operated switches or snap type switches. However,
you must connect all the same type of switches to any one TC-1.
Can the TC-1 display the current direction on
the Handheld display (straight or turn)?
Yes. You can even
enable a feature to set direction on power on (incase someone manually threw a
switch during power off) to be sure the display on the Handheld matches the
actual turnout direction.
Does the TC-1 have wired feedback?
No. Almost no users
implemented this feature on older AM-1 so it has been removed from TC-1 and TC-1
is available at a lower cost than AM-1. Most users do not want to go
through the significant of wiring and setup to make feedback work and basically
all customers like a lower price.
Will you offer a model with feedback at a later time?
If there is enough interest
in a model of TC with feedback, we may offer this product at a later time. If
you have an interest in a TC with feedback, be sure to send us an email and let
us know.

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